NFTstands for "Non-FungibleToken". A non-fungible good is a good whose value is not replicable, the clearest example is a work of art; although a replica can be made, its value is unique and different from any other good. NFTs are basically the same but applied to the concept of a token. For example, Bitcoin is also a token, but it is fungible.
The simplest analogy we can make is gold. That is, Bitcoin would be like gold, as a gold bar has precisely the same value as another gold bar, however, an NFT "would be" a gold jewel made by a craftsman.
In this case NFTs have great potential because being based on blockchain, they have a unique code that identifies them and cannot be replicated, so we can always know the origin of an NFT, thus avoiding buying replicas or a good that is not exactly the one we were looking for.
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