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How to wrap SOL (Quick guide)

If we need to wrap sol to make any type of transaction, the procedure only consists of a few steps.

1. Go to Solana token Wrapper at Smithii

The first thing you should do is to go to the token wrapper of Smithii and connect your wallet. There you will see an interface like this:

Wapp Solana

2. Select the amount of Sol to wrap and click on "Wrap".

In the previous screen you select the amount of SOL to wrap, click on "Wrap" and accept the transaction, it looks like the following:

sol wrap transaction

Once you run it, you will see the wSOL reflected in your wallet.

How to unwrap the wSOL?

To unwrap or return wSOL to its previous state, the only thing you have to do is the reverse of the process I showed you before: go to Solana Wrapper, select wSOL in the top input and click on "Unwrap".

Unwrapp wSOL

Remember that in this step, you cannot define a certain amount of wSOL from your wallet, but by default all wSOL will be converted to SOL.

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