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Bump Pump Fun Token

How to make Bump for a token from Pump Fun: Best tool to boost

Everyone is looking to get to King of The Hill or make a nice bump to get rich on the token launch at Pump Fun.

But the hard part is to find a tool that is both cheap and easy to use to increase the trading volume of your token on Pump Fun.

Here's how you can bump your token step by step with a market maker and get to the top with your project.

What is a Market Maker and why does it matter at Pump Fun?

A Market Makeralso called volume bot, is a tool designed to generate buying and selling activity around a token.

If you implement it on Pump Fun a market maker helps you increase organic activity , as more transactions generate more interest.

In turn, it will help you increase token sales. Tokens with higher activity are more likely to appear as King of the Hill.

If your goal is to quickly capitalize on the hype of a bump on Pump Fun, this strategy is key.

How to make a Bump at Pump Fun step by step

To get started, you will need a bot from market maker. Smithii offers a simple and effective solution that requires no programming. You can access Smithii Market Maker for Pump Fun and set it up in a few minutes.

market maker bot ui - Smithii

Once in the tool, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the address of your token. This will be the token you wish to push.
  2. Define the volume of transactions you wish to generate.
  3. Select the amount of SOL you plan to use. Each transaction on Pump Fun has an average cost of 0.001 SOL.
  4. Set the uptime. The bots usually operates at specific intervals to generate a constant volume.

Optional: Set a target price (with the Target Price option). This is useful if you want to reach a specific price before attracting more traders.

Make sure that the active makers in your account prior to using market maker and the engagement of the community support your strategy, the idea is always to maintain an organic activity.

Why Market Maker is Fundamental to your Success

At Pump Fun, competition for investors is intense. Setting up a market maker strategically positions you to give your token a boost, ensuring that your token does not go unnoticed and can reach King of the Hill. Which is the position that gives the most visibility on pump fun.

King of the hill in pump fun

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